As with any project like my book Palouse Rails - Granger Railroads of the Inland Northwest, there are bound to be a few, hopefully minor, mistakes that will slip into the final product. I wish it were otherwise, but despite my best efforts, those errors have already cropped up in the advance copy of the book I received a few days ago.
This entry of my blog will be used to capture as many of the mistakes as possible and provide an ongoing source of the corrected information.
Page 40: Tilma was the station name assigned to a cluster of elevators and warehouses straddling the Washington/Idaho state line just east of Tekoa on the original OR&N line to Plummer and Wallace. On maps, this same location is shown as Willard. When UP abandoned the line east of Tilma, the end of track lay on the Idaho side of the line to ensure continued rail service to those warehouses sited within Benewah County. As written, the text would imply the Tilma spur ended on the Washington side.
Rail historian Robert Leachman added this tidbit to an online discussion regarding the topic of Tilma: "In 1975 I briefly served as UP agent at Tekoa. If I recall correctly, during my two-week tenure there UP got exactly one load out of the Tilma elevators. Because the elevators were across the state line they were subject to ICC rates rather than WSDOT rates. And if I recall correctly, the station name in the tariffs was Tilma. I think the bill of lading read 'Tilma elevator, Tekoa station.'"
Page 71: Lower Granite Dam is located approximately 33 miles downriver from Lewiston, ID, not 42 miles as stated.
Page 140: The caption information for the two photos got swapped. The upper caption applies to the lower photo and the lower caption applies to the upper photo. However, the photo credits are correct for both photos.
Saturday, August 4, 2018
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Links to Sources for Books Listed in the Bibliography
Many of the books I used as references are listed in the bibliography, and most of these are still in print or available on the used book ...
On page 10, my text creates some confusion over which railroad originally built the line connecting South Ainsworth with Wallula, and at whi...
Credit USGS PULLMAN, WA-ID-OR, 1955 ( ) As I originally imagined my book, Palouse Rails - Granger Railro...
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